Stuff a Stocking
This project is a unique opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child in Russia, Abkhazia, Moldova, or Ukraine. You can be a part of it! In order to offset the increasing expense and red tape involved in importing gifts and aid, gifts are purchased and stockings filled on location.

Across Russia and Abkazia, millions of children are in crisis and have never heard of the Lord Jesus Christ. Share JOY this Christmas through the Stuff a Stocking project, reaching one child at a time for eternity. Since 2002, SOAR has used the Stuff a Stocking project to share the Gospel with needy Russian and Akhazian children at Christmas, and provide a doorway for local Russian churches to begin and cultivate relationships with orphanages in their region. In response to the Russia-Ukraine Crisis, SOAR is expanding the project into Moldova and Ukraine to minister to Ukrainian refugee children.
Ways you can make a difference
Click here to sponsor a Christmas Stocking with a Bible ($40) that will be filled with needed hygiene items, warm mittens & hat, snacks and other gifts for a needy child.
Click here to print out a copy of the letter form. Fill it out and mail it to us. Attach a picture of your family (optional) for the child who will receive your gift. On the back of your letter is the Gospel printed in Russian.
Another option is to click here to submit your letter online. You can upload a picture of your family (optional) for the child who will receive your gift. The Gospel printed in Russian will be included with your letter.
Your stocking will bring joy to those who have no hope, plant seeds of faith and show them God’s love in a tangible way. Thank you for making this Christmas a memorable one for these children! Curious what goes in a Stocking? Click Here to see an example!

Did you know that you can
- Sponsor Online?
- Sponsor “in honor” of a friend or family member?
- Promote the Stuff a Stocking project through a church or school? Click here!
- Give towards this project at any time during the year?
- You can click here to download the letter form. You may then write your letter and send it to us via the mail! You may also submit your letter and picture online and we will put it on the letter form for you!
“Thank you for this gift, but even more thank you for the funny and kind people that you sent.”
“I believe in Jesus! Thank you for your letter. Send me more letters.”
“I am very glad that such good people like you exist. I want to write you very much and be a pen pal. I hope you will not let me down.”
“Thank you for all the presents. This is the first time in my life when I got so many gifts at once! I am reading the Bible before I go to bed and I am having nice dreams. May God protect you! Warm greetings!”
“I am 6 years old. I am very happy to have your present. I have never had such a gift before. This is like a fairy tale. Thanks to God for you!”
Promote Stuff a Stocking
Do you need information for promoting the project in your church or small group?